PRTR - Metode za određivanje količine
Oznaka metodeOpis ENOpis HR
CEN/ISOInternationally approved measurement standardMeđunarodno priznata norma mjerenja
ETSGuidelines for the monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions under the Emission Trading Scheme. 
IPCCIPCC Guidelines 
PERMeasurement/Calculation Methodology already prescribed by the competent authority in a licence or an operating permit for that facilityMetodologiju izračuna već je propisalo nadležno tijelo u licenci ili uporabnoj dozvoli (permit) za to postrojenje
NRBNational or regional binding measurement/calculation methodology prescribed by legal act for the pollutant and facility concerned.Nacionalna ili regionalna obvezujuća (binding) metodologija izračuna zakonski propisana za odnosno onečišćavalo i postrojenje
ALTAlternative measurement methodology in accordance with existing CEN/ISO measurement standardsAlternativna metoda mjerenja prema postojećim mjernim normama CEN/ISO
CRMMeasurement methodology for the performance of which is demonstrated by means of certified reference materials and accepted by competent authority.Mjerna metodologija čija je valjanost dokazana pomoću certificiranih referentnih materijala i koju je prihvatilo nadležno tijelo
MABMass balance method which is accepted by the competent authorityMetoda bilance mase koju je priznalo nadležno tijelo
SSCEuropean-wide sector specific calculation methodEuropska sektorski specifična metoda izračuna (calculation)
OTHOther measurement/calculation methodologyDruge (other) metodologije izračuna